Things To Ask A Floor Cleaning Company
When enlisting a floor cleaning company for your home, you'll need to take into account the obvious things such as what types of cleaning supplies and methods they use, as well as less obvious things such as whether they're cleaning your floors while you're home or while you're away and whether their eco-friendly convictions align with yours.
Here are some questions to ask that can help you assess whether a particular floor cleaning company will be a good fit for you and your floors.
1. What types of cleaner do they use?
A more generalized cleaning company may not have as many cleaners specifically for flooring as a company that specializes in floor cleaning does. If you care about what type of cleaners your contractor uses, be sure that they have what you need or would be willing to let you provide the right cleaning materials.
2. What types of floors do they have experience with?
In some cases, a cleaning company may offer floor cleaning services but may not specialize in floors. This could mean they don't have a great deal of experience with different floor types, especially less common ones. If you have a type of flooring that's uncommon and has special cleaning needs or special vulnerabilities, you'll want to choose a cleaning contractor who can meet those needs and clean the floor without damaging it.
3. Do they have references you can contact?
Floor cleaning experience and materials used aren't the only things that will affect the customer experience. Company responsiveness, good customer service policies, diligent employees, and convenient scheduling times can all affect how customers perceive the company. But no company is likely to admit that they don't have good customer service, for example, so you need to ask other customers. This is where references come in. You can check reviews on the internet, and ask the company for some references from happy customers you can talk to about their experience with the company.
4. Do they use green practices and materials?
Some homeowners have stronger convictions on eco-friendly living than others. If you feel strongly about green living, whether it's for health reasons or environmental reasons, you need to make sure the cleaning professionals coming into your home are on board with that.
Some cleaning professionals will allow you to provide the materials used in cleaning, which would allow you to ensure that only nontoxic products are used in your house. Others have a genuinely eco-friendly ethos and take the initiative to recycle, reduce, and lower their environmental impact in any way they can.
These are just some of the questions you should ask a potential floor cleaning company when assessing which company you want to hire. Remember, it's better to get quotes from several companies and decide on the best one rather than just hiring the first company and risk finding out that, for example, they aren't experienced with the types of floors you have.